Proprietorship Firm Registration

Ideal for start-ups going for funding & growing business

Proprietorship Firm Fees

There are 2 Pricing Package by TEAMVAMA
Package 1 : Start Only 1499/- INR (all inclusive)
Includes :
MSME Registration Certificate + CA Certificate
Package 2 – Start Only 1999/- INR( All inclusive)
Includes :
MSME + GST Registration Certificate as Proprietorship Firm
Not Enough ?
Free with Every Package :
#1 10+ Premium Legal Agreements to start your new firm
#2 Premium Invoice Templates

How to Register Proprietorship Firm Online ?

​As mentioned above proprietorship firm required 2 legal entity proof so these can be done online with the help of MyOnlineCA at the cheapest cost. Why do it online through MyOnlineCA ? there are 4 reason –

#1 Get better & cheap pricing package as compare to Agents or traditional & other portals.
#2 MyOnlieCA is Recognized Company under Govt Official Startup India Programme with Trusted over 10k customer.
#3 Highest Social True Reviews on Facebook with 5 Star Ratings.
#4 Dedicated Support via Emails | Calls | WhatsApp.
#5 Free Premium Legal Consultancy to Start your new business.
#6 100% Money Back Guarantee on any service.

2 Legal Entity Proof for the Sole Proprietorship Registration in India :

Option 1 : MSME Registration Certificate + Chartered Accountant Business Certification.
Its applicable in below conditions –
#1 deals within the state Only. (Ex Delhi to Delhi)
#2 within state expected turnover or sales less than 20 lakh rupees.

Option 2 : GST Registration Certificate as Proprietorship Entity
Its applicable in below any ONE conditions –
#1 deal inter-state sales or services. (Ex Rajasthan to Delhi)
#2 Ecommerce or internet based business.
#3 Trader or Retailer or Mfg or Aggregator
#4 Within state have more than 20 lakh rupees turnover.

So your first step to choose the right legal entity certificate to register your proprietorship firm registration.

Benefits of Proprietorship Firm Registration ?

Below are Advantages of Proprietorship Firm –

​#1 1 Person Required as Single Entrepreneur.
#2 Single Owner of the Business.
#3 Easy to Start and Easy to Close.
#4 Complete Control.
#5 Lower Cost of Formation and Compliance.

Learn here more about the Proprietorship Firm Benefits.

Steps for register sole proprietorship firm in india for Startups

Now we explain here in the details regarding the steps to register sole propreitorship registration. ​For the convenience of the readers, we can divide all valid license certificate into the 2 Categories.

  1. A) Tax Registration in India (GST Registration)
    B) Basic Local or Central Government or other body licenses
  2. a) Tax Registration (GST Registration)

So From 1st July 2017 the government of India imposed the GST on all the business. GST is basically a uniform tax which replaces the various taxes like Service Tax | VAT/CST Registration or TIN Number etc.

So Ultimately Now whether you are doing service-based business or product based business, you have to required only the GST ( Good and Service Tax) when turnover or sales cross more than 20 lakh rupees in a year or in the northeast state 10 lakh rupees in a year. but in some following cases, you have to require the GST Registration as sole proprietorship firm in the starting :-

-When you want to deal with inter state and supply goods and services across the state anywhere in India.
-When you are doing trading or retail and your other suppliers are registered under the GST.
-When you want to start an online ecommerce business or internet related any type of business.

Documents Required as a GST for the Firm :-
#1 Personal Pan Card Copy
#2 Aadhar Card Copy
#3 Electricity Bill Copy of Business Location or Premise (Don’t worry if its on another person name)
#4 Personal Bank Statement Copy or Cancel Cheque anyone
#5 Passport Size Photograph

Note : if your firm falls under the Option “A” then just click on the below button and Let’s Start your Registration at Low Cost.

  1. b) Basic Local or Central Government or other Body License – (It’s not a long-term solution)

​These type licenses are issued by the central government or state government or any other body on the name of sole proprietorship Firm. Most of the banks required anyone minimum 2 Valid Certification out of 4 in this category which are following –

Chartered Accountant Certificate – ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India) is a body which is incorporated by the government of India for the chartered accountants. so all the practicing members only of ICAI (i.e is CA) can verify the documents and information of the sole proprietor & issued a CA Certification to open a current bank account on proprietor name.
(Note : Some private banks are not accepted the CA Certification so just confirm with your bank)

MSME Registration Online Certificate – MSME (Micro small and medium enterprise) is a government body which is incorporated for the formation of rules & regulations for small business in India so they can issue a registration certificate on the name of proprietorship firm.
(Note : Some private banks are not accepted the MSME Certificate so just confirm with your bank)

Income Tax Return (Business ITR) – Every person which are living and earn in India, they have to pay the income tax yearly basis. so if you are earning from your business as freelancer then you can file your ITR on the business name as proprietorship firm status.

Shop Act License – Every state or regional city or area have a municipal party to control on the local business which is incorporated by the respective state government. so they can issue also a shop act licence on the physical shop name as proprietorship firm status.

So all the proprietorship firm owner’s which is just starting the new business within the state,they can go with the anyone above 2 legal valid certifications. We highly recommend to you go with the CA Certification and MSME Registration Certificate or CA+ Income Tax Return which is issued by the government & you can run your business anywhere in India.

Conclusion about to Register a Sole Proprietorship Firm in India :-

Option 1 as GST Registration – Go with this option when you starting a business and required the GST Registration as mandatory or voluntary registration due to business nature and above legal conditions.

Option 2 as MSME or CA Certification + ITR or CA Certification + Shop act license – Go with this option when you just starting your very small business and not required the GST Registration in any condition.

FAQ on Sole Proprietorship Registration ?

#1 Does its required the commercial property or office for the Registration ?

No, you can register on your residential property also, whether its a rented or own property. you need just utility bills copy with permission from your landlord or owner of the premise.

If the bill copy is on another person name then yes No Objection Certificate is required & Standard Format is shared by us on a later stage.

Yes, you can keep any name of the Firm. its not related to the private limited company or llp or opc etc. you have to keep name without any extension. for ex – CAONLINEINDIA technologies.

Yes, you can register your firm on your family member name if you have any objection. it’s required the same docs which mentioned above.

Yes, but its an expensive and less validity option. below are options –

  1. a) Shop Act License – if you are planning to start new shop in India then local municipal party have imposed some rules and regulations like opening hours or employees etc. then shop act licence are applicable but its a very expensive license in some state or location so always avoid this.
  2. b) Income Tax Return (Business ITR) – Income Tax Return also work as legal entity proof but it’s only for the old traditional business which are running on a personal name or firm name. Because new business can’t file ITR without data.

Basically Proprietorship firm is an unregistered legal entity so Its need only the legal entity proof from the government to deals with the vendor or banks etc. There is no Registration Certificate under the Firm Act. So legal entity proof are registered their respective act for the same.

#1 Lack of Resources.
#2 Unlimited Liability.
#3 Lack of Credibility.
#4 Can not raise funds easily.
#5 Can not add Partners.

No, Sole Proprietorship Registration are not for the NRi ( Non Resident Person). Its required only indian resident person. NRI’s can invest in the proprietorship.